Saturday, March 17, 2012

Take Care Of You (Drake/Rihanna)

I chose this song because there’s a really special woman who heart was recently broken, but whom, if she’ll let me in, I’ll do everything in my power to care of, including losing weight, quitting smoking, cutting down on my drinking and working 10x harder at my Web marketing business. <3


The dog is officially gone. She won’t be returning, and I’m very happy about it. She’s in a better home, and I’m free of all her damn dog hair. Plus, I feel less stressed. So all is good in that department.

Thoughts Galore

I started out in a very hateful mood, but my attitude quickly made a 180 courtesy of the most special woman on Earth! I honestly didn’t write that much, though, so it’s whatever.

// Soulja Boy

Why do kids, many of them just out of highschool, worship Soulja Boy as if he’s a God? I respect him to a degree and I appreciate his chatroom, but the only reason he’s where he’s at in life is because Collipark gave him a chance in 2007. I strongly believe and in fact know that there are millions of people out there with just as much drive and passion, who would excel just as well as Soulja if they were merely given the opportunity within whatever field they practice.

Obviously, the world doesn’t function like this. Most of us must grind 40/50+ hour weeks just to barely scrape by in what are admittedly some of the worst economic times the world has ever faced. Meanwhile, a guy like Soulja Boy goes into the studio maybe 30 minutes each day and makes millions from it. The rest of the time, he merely pays other people to complete his work—to design websites, create products and promote his brand.

Am I hating on his wealth? No. Am I presenting a truthful analysis of his life? Hell yes. He has it relatively easy compared to us—the 99% of the population who will never stumble on such a golden opportunity, despite whatever talents we may each possess. And yet, these children worship him like he’s Mahatmas Ghandi or Martin Luther King, Jr, as if his music and movement will somehow resolve all of the world’s dilemmas.

Many of these kids have never even left their own neighborhoods, let alone their states and countries. They’ve never seen firsthand how other people live. They’ve never talked to a homeless person, let alone volunteered at a homeless shelter. To them, in fact, we should look down on the homeless, because “broke niggaz” make them sick. Rather, we should worship money makers like Soulja Boy, regardless of their true character.

The irony is that he doesn’t give a flying fuck about any of his fans. The other day while in the room, he shouted, “I just bought a new chopper; Merry Christmas, bitch!” It’s as if he’s completely oblivious to the economic turmoil brewing outside his fairytale-like life. And yet, I marvel at how these naïve children blindly follow him, somehow imagining that they’re lives will mirror his own if they just reach out to him. What a pity, indeed.

I’m not saying they cannot enjoy his music and appreciate him in some form or another, but the worship is shameful. If they’re going to show such reverence, I’d rather they show it to all the single mothers and fathers struggling just to put food on the table; all the teachers and educators working lousy conditions for a chance to make a difference; and the billions of people who work 10x harder than Soulja Boy every single day for a chance just to survive.

SMH. You got a whole generation of idiots who listen to hiphop as if it’s gospel. They’re so blinded by talk of the Illuminati and directions to “stop snitching” that they’re completely blind to the real world: to REALITY. And sadly, most of them won’t ever wake up from this stupor. They’ll just follow along all their lives like zombies, completely incapable of paying close attention, thinking critically and challenging the thoughts and ideas around them.

Sorry again @ SODMG fans, but I’m not a dick rider. Nor am I a Soulja hater. I’ve written rants about Joe Scarborough (a renowned American pundit), Grover Norquist (a renowned dick), Jon Stewart (a renowned Jew), President Barack Obama and now Soulja Boy. When I have something on my mind, I will get it off and mind, and I don’t care whom I offend. I’d rather be real with myself and others than pretend to be something I’m not. #RealTalk

// PS... this time I am hating... but I bet you everything I own and am that I put more thought into this god damn $0 rant than Soulja has ever put into one of his songs. SMFH.

\\ Is Obama A Liberal Or A NeoCon!?

Enter UNESCO, an agency of the United Nations (UN) that promotes international "education, science, and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, the rule of law, and human rights along with fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the UN Charter." In particular, the organization feeds starving people, aids victims of natural disasters, purchases textbooks and desks for poor schools, funds colleges in Africa and much, much, much more.

Here's the kicker. The Obama administration has opted to stop funding UNESCO because it voted in favor of allowing Palestine into the UN, which I guess apparently goes against an antiquated, 20-year-old law "that prohibits American funds for any US entities that accept Palestine as a member."

I would honestly understand if the government stopped funding UNESCO because we're in a bit of a financial crisis, but cutting off funding because the organization voted in favor of democracy --- allowing Palestine to be accepted as a state with the sovereign right to have its issues heard in council -- is just absolutely disgusting and shameful.

By the way, guess which country stepped up to help UNESCO out? Gabon! Yep, the nation of Gabon has donated $2 million to UNESCO. I love my country, but for tonight, God Bless Gabon!

Courtesy The Daily Show! Excuse the rant, but this story ticked me off.

// Final Thoughts

That’s all I got for this week.

OH… one more thing. Tomorrow is a big day for Raleigh. Tomorrow marks the Women’s Empowerment Conference 2012! SWAG!

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